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Writer's pictureWilliam Neill

イグニション・コア The Ignition Core

Ignition Core: These power sources are costly and typically available to organizations with significant wealth. One Ignition Core will power a Warlord Class Mech in Ground Operations for 12 hours of sustained combat, 120 hours of standby, and in air operations for 2 hours of sustained flight. If not fully depleted, an Ignition Core removed from the machine it powers will independently regain 8.3% of its charge (approx. one hour of sustained combat time) every 24 hours.

イグニション・コア: この動力源は非常に高価で、大抵は巨万の富を有する組織だけが扱える。ウォーロード級メックであれば、イグニション・コア1つで12時間の継続した地上戦運用、120時間のスタンバイ、2時間分の継続飛行による航空作戦が可能だ。イグニション・コアは完全に枯渇していなければ、動力供給している機械から取り外すことで24時間ごとに8.3%分(約1時間の継戦分)を回復できる。

Compared to fossil fuel which is readily available to all the Ignition Core is far superior. A full reserve tank of fossil fuel will power a Warlord Class Mech in Ground Operations for 30 minutes of standby, 5 minutes of sustained combat, and in air operations for 45 seconds of sustained flight (long enough to change out an ignition core if done correctly and quickly, but not enough fuel for air combat).


The following recording was found on a holotape recovered from somewhere in the Isalian wastes. The timestamp of the ancient recording device far predates when we settled Isalia, meaning that we were not the first humans to set up colonies here.


“It didn't matter what we tried, the mechs didn't work. We needed a mobile, modular, bipedal platform that could out-maneuver hostile forces, effectively employ weapons systems and withstand the rigors of combat. In this terrain, conventional combat vehicles would not be sufficient. The answer lay with the Warlord Class Mechs. But, for all our efforts, they would not work.


The first designs literally crumpled under their own weight. The metallic limbs could not support their own weight.

We tried thickening key portions of the limbs and frame. This allowed the mechs to stand without crumpling under their own weight, but prevented any meaningful combat agility, leaving this design useful for little more than non-combat heavy lifting, such as construction.



One of our engineers had the idea to trim a few areas in the hopes that we could regain some agility. This worked to an extent, until we fielded the mechs and found them to be woefully fragile against enemy firepower. They needed armor.

我々の技術者のうち1人は幾つかの区画を切り取ることで俊敏性を取り戻すというアイデアを持っていた。この試みは広まったが、我々が実際にこれらのメックを運用してみると敵の火力に 対して非常に脆弱である事が判明した。装甲が必要だったのだ。

Adding armor added weight. The frames were able to support this weight but the internal powerplants could not. These mechs already had a short window of combat effectiveness when running on fossil fuels. Each Warlord Class Mech had only five minutes before it ran out of fuel. That was ok, we could train the pilots to strike priority targets and quickly cripple the enemy enough so that conventional forces could move in and finish the job. We just needed a way to increase the energy output of the internal powerplant without decreasing the effective operating time of the Warlord Class Mech.



Attaching a power conduit cable to the backs of the mechs, effectively hooking them up to a generator, that could be manually moved behind them by a conventional armored combat vehicle would solve one part of the problem. At the cost of a little agility and freedom of movement, combat operating time increased from five minutes to fifteen. Increasing the fossil fuel tank by 50% would allow the mech to function for 90 seconds on the internal powerplant after detaching from the generator. This unfortunately created even more problems. First, hostile forces got wise and started targeting the generator vehicle, or just severing the conduit that hooked the mechs to their generators. Then the larger fossil fuel tanks started exploding in combat. We didn't account for this in the engineering phase, and real combat was quickly disproving our designs. Lastly, the terrain could not always support the added weight of the composite armor. The Warlord Class Mechs often left three-foot deep craters for footprints in the sturdiest of terrain. Anything less saw mechs getting stuck up to their knees, rapidly depleting their powerplants and leaving them vulnerable to hostile counterattack.


They were too heavy. Their powerplants were too unsafe for the pilot inside. And too dependent on vulnerable support vehicles to be effective in combat. We could use them sufficiently in a defensive posture, but that would only amount to us slowing down a losing fight. We needed to fix these glaring weaknesses, or our colonies were doomed to be wiped out...”


Here the holotape recording ends. It seems like there was more but anything past here is broken and unreadable. However, the following text file was extracted from the holotape and preserved:


“Ignition Core: we found a cache of these in some ancient ruins near the central temple with that odd tower grown (?) into it. I've seen cold fusion before, but not like this. Those reactors took up entire rooms and were of marginal stability at best. These will not only shrink the footprint of the internal powerplants massively, but these seem far less volatile than large tanks of fossil fuel and can provide hours (not minutes) of effective combat operation time. These are like miracle materials! No one can agree who came up with the name 'Ignition Core'. We all just started calling them that almost intuitively upon discovery... Curious…

「イグニション・コア: 我々は中央寺院の近くの、中から奇妙な塔が生えた(?)古代遺跡からこれらを幾つか見つける事ができた。私は常温核融合を前に見たこともあるが、こういうものではなかった。あの手のリアクターは部屋を丸ごと占めるようなもので最高の状態ですら限界安定性が欠けていた。これらは内蔵型パワープラントの到達点を大きく縮めるだけでなく、大型の化石燃料タンクより遥かに長持ちするため(分ではなく)時間単位の効果的な戦闘稼働時間をもたらすだろう。まるで奇跡の物質だ!誰が’イグニション・コア’と名付けたかは分からないが、我々全員は発見と同時にほぼ直感的にそう呼び始めた。興味深い…

'GodPlate' (lightweight, hyperdense, armored composite): Surrounding the cache of Ignition Cores and slumped against the ruined walls, we found derelict hulks, ancient Warlord Mechs? We couldn't be sure as the central frames had rusted out, but the armored plates remained intact. Impossibly light, but sturdy enough for combat, an Ignition Core powered Warlord Class Mech, armored with this miracle, might be just enough...”

‘ゴッドプレート’(軽量、高密度な装甲複合体): イグニション・コアの山を囲い、荒廃した壁の中にそれは眠っていた。古代のウォーロード級メックか?我々は遺棄された巨人を見つけた。中央フレームが錆びきっていたため確証は持てなかったが、装甲プレートは未だ手付かずに見えた。不可解なほど軽く、しかし戦闘に耐えうるほど強固なため、イグニション・コアで駆動するウォーロード級メックがこの奇跡の複合体で装甲されていれば、十分かもしれない…」

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